Tobelo, Indonesia Gospel Campaign 2018
Our trip to North Maluku started with two flights followed by a boat ride and a four hour drive. We had to break our trip into three days so we will not be exhausted by the time we arrive there. While in Ternate island we ministered in a Sunday Church service. This is one of the few Churches still left standing after the religious conflicts in early 2000s. Most of the Christians fled the island when the killings started.
These islands were originally known as the spice islands and had been invaded by foreign powers since the fifteen hundreds starting with the Portuguese, then by the Spanish and the Dutch. Nutmeg and other spices were shipped from these islands all the way to Europe. During the 2nd world war, the Japanese invaded and controlled these islands until they were defeated by the Americans in the battle of Morotai in 1945. The last Japanese soldier surrendered in 1974. In recent years, there has been many ethnic and religious conflicts where thousands died. During our trip there, we heard so many horror stories of religious motivated violence during that time. We got to visit a Church that was blown up by a bomb and hundreds were shot to death.
The Jesus festival was held on a soccer field for four nights in a town called Tobelo. Each night there were numerous testimonies of healing and deliverance. During one of the nights four lame people were able to walk at the same time! Deaf ears were opened, cataract in the eyes was gone and many more were healed from various diseases. It created such an uproar as the crowd inched more and more forward to see what was happening. The response to believe in the Gospel was very enthusiastic as well. Many came forward to confess their faith in Jesus. Praise the Lord. Our festival chairman in Tobelo told me there has been violent clashes between Church denominations recently. Even to the point of burning Churches! During those four nights there were people for all denominations present on the field as we prayed for forgiveness and reconciliation among Churches. We also had a gospel seminar that took place during the mornings for three days. It was attended by pastors, leaders and believers from various Churches and denominations. The teaching was focused on re-discovering the gospel message and how it transforms individuals and communities.
Thank you friends and partners for your prayers and generous contributions that help us take the gospel to the many islands of Indonesia. God bless you.