We have partnered up with CanadaHelps to make online donations more convenient for you. Set up an automatic monthly donation using your credit card or give a one time gift. CanadaHelps is a Canadian registered charity based in Toronto, Canada, that offers donors the ability to give to other Canadian charities like GGNI using their credit card, PayPal or Interac.
CanadaHelps charges us a fee of 3.5%. If you would like to give a desired amount after the fee, please be sure to multiply your amount by 1.037 to cover the fee amount. (For example – $30.00 x 1.037 = $31.11, 3.5% off = $30.00)
Click on the button below to make a donation.
Global Good News Initiative is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Therefore all donations you give to the ministry in Canada are tax deductible.
For those who donate through CanadaHelps, you will receive your donation receipt directly from CanadaHelps. Donations are non-refundable. Your donation will be processed by CanadaHelps – a registered charity. “” OR “” will appear on your statement.
We are not able to give receipts for international donations coming from outside of Canada.
Thank you for your kind donation and God bless you.