Lau Tribe Mission Trip 2020
Itraveled back to the Riau Islands with a team of four during the last two weeks in November 2020. In all we visited nine islands and ministered in nine services. The main tribe we were trying to reach with the gospel is called the Laut (Sea) tribe. The Laut communities live on stilt houses built on top of the sea. The first place we visited was very familiar because I had spent my Christmas there twelve years ago. Back then there were only a few Christian families. Since then a Church has been planted there by one of the missionaries who joined us on that first trip twelve years ago and she is still ministering there with her husband and two kids. There is also an elementary school that was started up just a few years ago. I was very blessed to see how the Kingdom of God has advanced in the area since my first trip.
The next day we took a pon-pon (small wooden boat) to another Island to meet a Pastor who has been ministering to the Laut people for over 35 years. He had planted several Churches in these islands. There were many who received healing in their bodies during the service there. In fact there were miracles reported in all the services we ministered in. The people were very open and expectant. Praise the Lord for every miracle.
On the more bigger Island called Bintan, we ministered in three miracle services attended mainly by Chinese Indonesians that have a good size representation in these Islands. During one of the services we saw many miracles. Even Buddhist attended the services. One of the men I prayed with had been in fifteen car accidents and had steel implants in his leg and face. He had been suffering from pain and could not sleep at night. We met him later that day and he told us he was healed from the pain and was able to sleep after service. We prayed with him and he received Christ as His Lord and Savior.
While we were on Penyalai Island, we visited two Churches planted by missionary pastors from a different part of Indonesia. I first visited these Churches thirteen years ago. Despite consistent oppositions, the Churches are still standing today. They have also grown in number. Please keep them in your prayers. The pastors I have met here have been threatened and intimidated numerous times but they are still standing strong.
Another urgent prayer request would be for more full-time missionaries who would have a burden to reach the tribes in these Islands. It is not easy living there. Some places still do not have electricity, running water and a cell phone signal. One of the pastors we met is a 73 year old man and has bad knees. He can barely get in and out of the boats and he has been praying for a young couple who can take over his work. I will surely return to these Islands again hopefully next year. Thank you to those who donated to make this trip a possibility. I am glad to report all the funds needed came in! Thank you Lord and thank you ministry partners.
Read about my first missions trips to Riau Islands in 2008