Alak, Indonesia Gospel Campaign 2018
The three nights in Timor were a great victory for the gospel. Thousands were in attendance. Local government leaders were present too. The police were there protecting us. As we shared the simple message of God’s love for the people of Timor, many people repented and believed in Jesus. There were many healing testimonies given from the stage also. Hearing problems, eyesight problems and people with pain in their bodies were healed. Praise the Name of Jesus!
This was our second festival on Timor island. Getting to Timor takes a couple of flights from the nearest airport to our town and with the transit time, it took a whole day to get there. The next day, we were whisked to a home where many sick people were gathered and waiting to be prayed for. As we shared the Word of God and prayed for them, many among them testified that they experienced miracles. During our week long visit in Timor, we got to visit many more families and prayed for them in their homes.
It always amazes me that I am given permission to openly preach the gospel on a field. Most of the time our festival permits are processed by non-believing government officials and we have not had one permit rejected until today. Praise the Lord!
Thank you friends and partners for sending the good news to Indonesia.