Aceh, Indonesia Gospel Campaign
The Jesus festival in Aceh was a huge success. Esther and I are still reliving it in our minds. It was truly amazing to see the Holy Spirit touch Christians and non-Christians alike and draw them to Jesus. Many miracles took place every night as we prayed in the name of Jesus. Without the laying on of hands people got healed on the field. The two first miracles testimonies we took were two boys who were healed in their ears. One of the boys was deaf in one of his ears since birth.
The most feared and respected witch doctor in Southeast Aceh attended all nights of the festival. We were told that even the governor bows down to him in respect. The man was on a wheel chair and had heard that there will be miracle in the festival.
Many were saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit right on the field. The Jesus festival rally in Southeast Aceh was the largest Christians gathering so far. Pastors told us that it might actually be the biggest Christians event in the whole province of Aceh. The campaign had two parts to it, four nights of Jesus festival in the evenings and three mornings of seminar with local pastors and leaders from various Churches and denominations. 80 pastors, Church leaders and believers attended the seminar. It was a privilege to minister to our brothers and sisters there.
Overall, we were quiet pleased with what we saw in Aceh. We are planning to make more visits into Aceh and continue to minister and encourage the Churches there. What an honor it is to serve God’s people.
Thank you friends and partners for your prayers and support.