Karo, Indonesia Gospel Campaign
We had a powerful festival and seminar in Karo, Indonesia. Thousands come to hear the good news of God’s love and grace in Christ. Many notable miracles took place during the three nights and many souls came into the Kingdom of God. A girl who has not been able to walk started walking and jumping on the festival stage. A young man who has had hearing problems since he was very small was instantly healed. Another young man who had a twisted foot was instantly healed and was able to walk normally.
Over the period of three nights, hundreds of people come forward and surrender their lives to Jesus. There were many young people among them. During the last night, prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and it was a powerful moment. People were being delivered from evil spirits and being ushered into the kingdom of God. I saw a young man fall and roll on the ground as he was being delivered from demons. What a loving and powerful Jesus we have!
We also conducted two days of pastor’s seminars that was well attended by many Church and denominational leaders. It was a wonderful time of revelation as we thought on new covenant realities in Christ Jesus. I believe many lives were impacted during this time. Glory to Name of the Lord.