Tebing Tinggi, Indonesia Gospel Campaign
The Jesus festival and seminar in Tebing Tinggi, Indonesia was a glorious victory for the Kingdom of God. For three consecutive nights, the gospel was declared with boldness as thousands came to hear and receive salvation. Every night we witnessed several miracles as individuals came up on stage to testify of ears being opened, eyes healed, the lame walking again, growths and tumors that have disappeared. According to local pastor’s, no such event has ever happened in their city before.
A few hours before the event began, a group of men came to the festival field to protest against the festival. Thankfully that did not escalate into a major incident. That same night, the first testimony we heard on stage was a woman who’s grand daughter was able to stand up for the first time ever. The word started to spread in the city and as a result many more came the following nights. As the invitation for salvation was given out, many rushed forward to receive new life from Jesus. Local believers had their hands full collecting their personal data so that they can follow up on those that responded. The event was also carried in the daily news papers. The event had a huge impact on the city. A few weeks later, I met a local pastor who told me that three new families have joined his Church because one of them experienced a miracle at the festival.
In the mornings, we had a pastors and leaders seminar attended by believers from various denominations and the public sector. We focused on teaching on the gospel and new covenant realities found in the Scriptures. We encouraged the pastors to continue to preach the good news in their communities and not turn back to traditions and legalism.
After we were done in Tebing Tinggi, we visited two more places in Sumatra to do seminars and outreaches. While in Aceh, we held a gospel outreach service on the side of the main road for two nights. Hundreds came to attend and we saw a few notable miracles as well. This is the only part in Aceh where we are able to do an open air evangelistic meetings.